人们害怕自主、自决式人工智能会导致失控。Chat GPT、Ernie和Xiaoice现在发展到了什么程度?对未来的财富管理意味着什么?
你还是事事亲力亲为,或是已在使用聊天机器人?人工智能助手Chat GPT3使撰稿人面临数字竞争,GPT4也将图形艺术家置于同样的竞争处境。我们现在是否应该担心GPT5会进行网站编程,GPT6会经营公司,GPT7会统治世界?
例如,MS Office Suite中实现了这项技术,微软的最新版本称为“Microsoft 365 Copilot”——聊天机器人始终作为导航器或副驾驶出现。所有重复性工作皆可自动化,潜在应用无限。用户必须学会如何使用聊天机器人,如根据任务、目标和标准向聊天机器人指定请求,即所谓的“提示”,确定格式,然后进一步通过反馈和批评进行微调。标准是能够自动回答简单问题。
但问题是,聊天机器人是否也会进入下一阶段:谁对投资建议负责?聊天机器人能否成功为可持续的客户关系建立信任? 可以想象,聊天机器人首先可以简化顾问的准备工作,从而有助于进行财富管理。人类现在是且仍然是控制者和决策者,聊天机器人只是工具和陪练。因此,金融理财规划软件系统迟早也会实现人工智能,只是时间问题而已。
本文是纯人类脑力劳动的成果。Chat GPT Spring表示。
Chat GPT is not a Mastermind but a Practical Tool
People fear the loss of control through autonomous, self-determined artificial intelligence. Where does the development of Chat GPT, Ernie and Xiaoice currently stand and what does it mean for the future of wealth management?
Are you still working by yourself or are you already using chat bots? With the AI assistant Chat GPT3 copywriters have got digital competition, and so have graphic artists with GPT4. Should we now fear that GPT5 will program websites, GPT6 will run a company, and GPT7 will take over the world?
We have become accustomed to rule-based chatbots, they are used on many corporate websites. However, the progress of the next generation (LLM) has surprised experts and laymen alike and is even being hyped as a "killer application".
Stringing words together
The speed of development of artificial intelligence is indeed stupendous. Revolutionary inventions in the history of technology have always been accompanied by fears that people would lose their jobs, their health, their self-determination, their power and their raison d'être. The transition to the chatbot age is no different.
As amazingly quick and comprehensible as the artificially generated texts appear at first glance - they are neither original nor creative, but basically a stringing together of words according to the principle of probability, in short: the result of an echo machine.
There can be no source citations as with the search engines like Google or Baidu, since the texts are composed of millions of data snippets. This sometimes leads to "hallucinations," artificially generated untruths, plausible-sounding, sociopathic fake news.
What might be very useful for fast and cheap content creation, might be a big danger in wealth management and financial planning: A cross-section of different recommendations for action does not make a well-thought-out individual concept that addresses a customer's specific problems.
Robots are not yet a competition for humans
One thing is clear: the narrower the scope, the better the results. For structured, networked problem-solving skills, such as those typically required in financial planning, robots are therefore not a competition yet. And where emotions, communication and empathy count, humans remain unique. But experts compare the disruptive potential of chatbot technology with the introduction of the commercial internet some thirty years ago.
When it comes to the use of AI, we are still in the "trial and error" stage. As soon as certain ethical and legal questions about data protection have been clarified and we have learned to use chatbots as personal assistants or "smart companions”, the way we work in our industry will also undergo a massive transformation. As natural as the use of the internet seems to us today, it took several years for the technology to be accepted and to function properly. It will be no different with AI. "The only constant in the universe is change," said Heraclitus more than 2500 years ago…
Using chatbots as sparring partners
The implementation of this technology in the MS Office Suite, for example, makes Microsoft call the latest version "Microsoft 365 Copilot" - the chatbot is always there as a navigator or co-pilot. All repetitive work can be automated, and the potential applications are endless. Users must learn how to make use of chatbots, for example by specifying requests to the chatbot, so-called "prompts" according to tasks, goals, and criteria, determining the format and then, in further steps, doing the fine-tuning through feedback and criticism. Automated responses to simple questions will become the standard.
The question will be whether chatbots will also make it to the next level: Who is liable for investment recommendations? Will they succeed in building trust for a sustainable customer relationship? It is conceivable that they will first be used as an aid in wealth management by simplifying the preparations for advisors. The human being is and remains the controller and mastermind, the chatbot is only a tool and sparring partner. It is therefore only a matter of time before AI is also implemented in software systems for financial planning.
This text was elaborated with purely human brain work. Says Chat GPT Spring.